
In my method, I'm trying to save an image in a folder in the directory of my project. I have tried just putting the direct filepath of the folder, but that gives me an error when the project runs.

Is there a built-in extension of some kind in c# that would allow me to save this image in a folder in my directory; or way to simply access my directory without drilling to where my project is saved on my computer?

private void CreateBarcode()
    var bitmapImage = new Bitmap(500,300);
    var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapImage);

    UPCbarcode barcode = new UPCbarcode(UPCbarcode.RandomGeneratedNumber(), bitmapImage, g);
    string filepath=@"images/image1.jpg";


4 Answers 4


You can always use the AppData folder,

string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)

Assuming the "Image" folder is in the root directory of your Project use:

Server.MapPath("~/Image" + filename)

you can check if the file already exist at a location by :

if (!File.Exists(filePath))
         // Your code to save the file

I can guess that there is similarity in the name of the image file try putting it under a different name

like string filepath = @ "images / blabla or AI.jpg";


Use this

string filepath= Application.StartupPath + "\images\image1.jpg";


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