Whenever i perform a file search in eclipse, it scans all files including .svn-base file.
Provided i am using * for file name patterns.

Is it possible to scan all files for searching but skipping the .svn-base file?


2 Answers 2


It is possible. But the search pattern is inclusive and not exclusive. You can click on Choose button and select the file types you wish to see in your search results.


You also have custom plugins for excluding .svn and .cvs directories during searches.

If you have Subclipse, the search filtering is included.

Note: since Eclipse Helios 3.6M3 (October 30, 2009), you can actually exclude resources from your project, making the search more precise as a result.

alt text http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/S-3.6M3-200910301201/images/resourceFilters.png

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