I am trying to replace the words in a string using php. Here i want to replace the words "test php" and "java test" with "new program" and "test program" from the $replacearray array. Note:Here i need to search the words in the string using $searchstring array if matching found it should replace with the $replacearray

The output should be This is new program and test program

Here if my searchstring contains numbers also i want to explode it and seperate the numbers and strings, and want to replace the $string with the exploded string.Here the delimiter i am using is : in $searchstring

Here is my code

 $string = "This is test php and java test";
 $searchstring = array('1:test php', '2:java test');
 $replacearray = array('new program', 'test program');

 $replacearraycount = count($replacearray);
 $searchstringcount = count($searchstring);

 for($i = 0; $i < $replacearraycount; $i++) {
     for($i = 0; $i < $searchstringcount; $i++) {
         $string = preg_replace("/".$searchstring[$i]."/", $replacearray[$i], $string, 1);

 echo $string;

This is what i am trying by exploding the $searchstring

 $string = "This is test php and java test";
 $searchstring = array('1:test php', '2:java test');
 $replacearray = array('test coding','test program');

 $replacearraycount = count($replacearray);
 $searchstringcount = count($searchstring);

 foreach ($searchstring as &$value) {
 $arrid = array();
 $arrname = array();
 foreach (explode(', ', $value) as $el) {
 $ret = explode(':', $el);
 $arrid[$ret[0]] = $ret[0];
 $arrname[$ret[0]] = $ret[1];
 $valueid = $arrid;
 $name = $arrname;


 for($i = 0; $i < $replacearraycount; $i++) {
 $string = preg_replace("/".$finalsearchstring[$i]."/", $replacearray[$i], $string, 1);

 echo $string;
  • Sorry. I don't get it. What is the question? Jun 20, 2014 at 4:48
  • 2
    Oh. You've used $searchstring[i] and $searchstring[i] while it should be $i instead of just i in both case. Is that a typo in your question? Jun 20, 2014 at 4:50

1 Answer 1


If I follow your question, you need one for loop not two and your array index should be $i not just i -

for($i = 0; $i < $replacearraycount; $i++) {
  $string = preg_replace("/".$searchstring[$i]."/", $replacearray[$i], $string, 1);

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