I am working in bioinformatics, and I need to count patterns such as GATTACCA in large files that look something like:
ACCA CGTAGATGATACACGT (etc)" Is there a way to get Grep to ignore the /n new line character? Thanks for any help!

  • do you just need the count of GATT\nACCA occurrence ? and how large the file is?
    – Kent
    Jun 20, 2014 at 11:06
  • How big are the files? Secondly - grep recognizes by newline so it can't match it. But you may be able to use "tr" to replace newline character with space, but again, how big are the files?
    – Dane Balia
    Jun 20, 2014 at 11:07

4 Answers 4


I think this may do what you want:

tr -d '\n' < file | grep -o GATTACCA

It (temporarily) removes the linefeeds from your file (using tr and its -d option to delete) before passing it into grep.

  • Thanks! this works easiest so far... Now... Any ideas how to parse it into python? I know how to use simple linux commands in python, but not how to pipe...
    – MrJanx
    Jun 20, 2014 at 19:16

Using sed and grep:

sed -n 'H;x;s/\n//g;/GATTACCA/p' input | grep -o GATTACCA
  • Why the grep? Your sed command already does its job. Am I missing something?
    – terdon
    Jun 20, 2014 at 11:21
  • there may be multiple occurrences of the pattern.
    – perreal
    Jun 20, 2014 at 11:25

You could do this through awk and grep to count the number of occurrences of the word GATTACCA in your file,

awk -v RS="\0" '{gsub (/\n/,""); print}' file | grep -o 'GATTACCA' | wc -l


RS="\0"            #  Turns the input file into a single record.

gsub (/\n/,"")     #  Removes all the \n character.

grep -o 'GATTACCA' # From the awk output, it fetches the string GATTACCA and prints every match in a new line.

wc -l              #   To count the number of lines
  • You can use grep -c to count instead of wc.
    – terdon
    Jun 20, 2014 at 11:18
  • @terdon it displays different result. Jun 20, 2014 at 11:26
  • I want number of occurences, not number of lines... so -c would probably be better?
    – MrJanx
    Jun 20, 2014 at 19:54
  • It displays the number of occurances.did you try this? You may check the output mycode with others. Jun 21, 2014 at 0:41

You already have two good general answers. Another approach is to use sed:

perl -pe 's/\n//' file | grep -o GATACA

However, if you're working on fasta files, this can be interesting:

#! /bin/sh
gawk '{
        if (substr($1,1,1)==">")
        if (NR>1)
                    printf "\n%s\t", substr($0,2,length($0)-1)
            printf "%s\t", substr($0,2,length($0)-1)
                printf "%s", $0
}END{printf "\n"}'  "$@"

The script above changes fasta format to tbl (seq IDsequence, all on the same line). I very often use it for grepping:

FastaToTbl foo.fa | grep GATTACA 

I also have a TblToFasta to restore the original:

#! /bin/sh
# tbl-to-fasta.awk transforms a tbl file into a fasta file, 60 columns per record
# usage=gawk -f tbl-to-fasta TBL_FILE 

gawk '{

  ls = length(sequence)
  is = 1
  fld  = 1

  while (fld < NF)
     if (fld == 1){printf ">"}
     printf "%s " , $fld

     if (fld == NF-1)
        printf "\n"
      fld = fld+1

  while (is <= ls)
    printf "%s\n", substr(sequence,is,60)
}' "$@"

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