I am new to batch programming, currently facing one issue in below batch script.


SET Var1=10
SET Var2=20

SET Var3 = john

SET Var4 = john1

ECHO variable values

ECHO %Var1%
ECHO %Var2%
ECHO %Var3%
ECHO %Var4%

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=\\ " %%a in ("%1") do set component=%%a&set app=%%b


The issue is as stated below,

the statements ECHO %Var3%, ECHO %Var4% ==> won't produce the desired result which is to print the string value they are assigned to. Instead in prints ECHO ON.

Not sure what is the issue. I know it is trivial please help.

2 Answers 2


%var3% not equal to %Var3%. So, your %Var3%==" john" and your %var3%=="". When you call echo with empty parameter, it prints current echo mode (on or off).

Also SET Var3 = john is not equal to SET Var3=john. First command means 'create variable "Var3 " (i.e. it's name consists of 5 characters - fifth is space) with value " john"' (it's values starts with space). Try to add following lines in your script to see it:

ECHO %Var3 %
ECHO %Var4 %
  • TO be specific the numerical values are ECHOed correctly but the issue is with string data
    – suhel
    Jun 27, 2014 at 10:18
  • Thanks for ur answer, one question, what does SET Var3=john mean?. means how different from SET Var3 = john.
    – suhel
    Jun 27, 2014 at 10:25
  • Also one more doubt, in statement, for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=\\ " %%a in ("%1") do set component=%%a&set app=%%b what would be the value of app, if input to the batch is just the string, hi .
    – suhel
    Jun 27, 2014 at 10:28
  • I know that i would be equivalent to "SET app=" is it possible to check using IF statement if the value in "app""is a valid string or not?
    – suhel
    Jun 27, 2014 at 10:32
  • What does 'valid string' mean?
    – Ilya
    Jun 27, 2014 at 10:32

Here is a good method to echo a blank line when the variable is empty, or otherwise echo the variable.


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