
I have a few issues with my the following classes . When I create an object of type "MonteCarloSingleAsset" and I apply to it the method "GetPrice()", I get this:

copy\pricinglib\montecarlosingleasset.h(81): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'MonteCarlo::stepsNumber'

copy\pricinglib\montecarlosingleasset.h(85): error C2597: illegal reference to non-static member 'MonteCarlo::N'

copy\pricinglib\montecarlosingleasset.h(85): error C3867: 'MonteCarlo::N': function call missing argument list; use '&MonteCarlo::N' to create a pointer to member

Thanks in advance for your help.

In MonteCarlo.h

#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template<typename T>
class MonteCarlo
        virtual ~MonteCarlo(){};

        MonteCarlo(unsigned long& _N,   unsigned long& _stepsNumber );

          T GetDiscountFactor(const double& r, const double& T);

          unsigned long N;  // num of sim
          unsigned long stepsNumber;  // steps for sde discretisation

 template<typename T>
 T MonteCarlo<T> :: GetDiscountFactor(const double& r, const double& T) 
    return exp(-r*T);

 template<typename T>
 MonteCarlo<T> :: MonteCarlo(unsigned long& _N,   unsigned long& _stepsNumber)
     N = _N;
     stepsNumber = _stepsNumber;

In MonteCarloSingleAsset.h

#include "MonteCarlo.h"

template<typename T, char R>   
class MonteCarloSingleAsset

        T GetPrice(SingleAssetOption& option);

        MonteCarloSingleAsset(const unsigned long& _N, 
                             const string& SDEType,
                              const string& SDESimulType,
                               const unsigned long& _stepsNumber = 25);

        virtual ~MonteCarloSingleAsset(){};

           string SDEType, SDESimulType; 


template<typename T, char R>
MonteCarloSingleAsset<T,R> :: MonteCarloSingleAsset(const unsigned long& _N, 
                                         //  const string& _randType, 
                                                const string& _SDEType,
                                                const string& _SDESimulType,
                                                const unsigned long& _stepsNumber)      

  :  MonteCarlo<T>(_N, _stepsNumber)

     SDEType = _SDEType;  // GBM, VAS, MER, CIR
     SDESimulType = _SDESimulType; // EUMAR, MIL = milstein

template<typename T, char R>
T MonteCarloSingleAsset<T,R> ::  GetPrice(SingleAssetOption& option)

    T sum = 0.0;
    T payOff = 0.0;
    vector<T> path;
    vector<T> rand;
    Interval<T> range(0.0, option.GetT());

    BasicMethod<T> randGen(1);

    GBMSDE<T> sde(option.GetS(), range, option.GetR() , option.GetVol());

    EulerMaruyamaScheme simulator(MonteCarlo<T> :: stepsNumber);

     for (unsigned long i = 1; i <= MonteCarlo<T> :: N ; i++)
        rand = randGen.GetRandomVector( MonteCarlo<T> :: stepsNumber);
        path = simulator.SimPath(sde,rand);
        payOff = option.GetPayOff(path); 
        sum += payOff;

      double disFact = MonteCarlo<T> :: GetDiscountFactor(option.GetR(), option.GetT());

      return (1 / MonteCarlo<T> :: N )*disFact*sum; 
  • 3
    For starters, where is the inheritance? Jun 30, 2014 at 23:01
  • To access MonteCarlo<T>::stepsNumber the stepsNumber must be defined as static ( static unsigned long stepsNumber)
    – AdamF
    Jun 30, 2014 at 23:02

1 Answer 1


The error "illegal reference to non-static member" tells you that you're trying to access a member variable or function as if it was static.

For example, with MonteCarlo<T> :: stepsNumber the MonteCarlo<T> part is just the name of a type, not an actual instance of it.

Either you need to change your MonteCarlo class to have static members.

Or else you need to create instances. For example:

MonteCarlo<T> m;

Or perhaps you meant for MonteCarloSingleAsset to derive from MonteCarlo, which would change the situation significantly. However that's not what your code is currently doing.

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