I am trying to do the following on a group object:

  • get the interarrival time

  • set the range, flag with vectorized where

  • get cumsum over interarrival time

    def deltat(g):
            g['tavg'] = g[ g['alert_v']==1 ]['timeindex'].diff(1)
            g['iqt'] = np.where( g['value'] > g['value'].quantile(.90) or g['value']< g['value'].quantile(.10),1,0)
            #pd.to_datetime(g[['tavg']], format='%H:%M:%S')
            #print type(g['tavg'] )
            g['cumt'] = g['tavg'].cumsum(0) #pd.rolling_sum(g['tavg'],2,0).shift(1)
            print g.head()
            return g
    d.sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True)
    d=d.groupby(['source','subject_id','alert_t','variable'],as_index=False,group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: deltat(x)) 

error: I am getting a StopIteration error. what causes this? why does the exception not just pass?

cumsum Am I using cumsum correctly, or do I need to use a rolling_sum to get the sums over each subsequent two time values rows in the column?

-any help is appreciated

--edit: here is some sample input:

 d = pd.DataFrame({'alert_v': [1]*4 + [0]*4,
              'value': np.random.rand(0,4)*3 + np.random.rand(0,4),
              'timeindex': pd.date_range(end='6/20/2012',periods=8)

what I need is output with columns: tavg which is difference subsequent times where alert_v is 1. iqt need to set 1 for any value above/below quantile levels or 0 cumt this is the cumulative sum of each subsequent tavg value, ie the cumsum

alert_v value timeindex tavg iqt cumt 1 3.1 6/13 NaN 0 NaN 1 2.9 6/14 1 0 1 0 .3 6/15 Nan 0 NaN 1 3.3 6/16 2 0 3 0 .3 6/17 NaN 0 NaN 0 .5 6/18 NaN 0 NaN 0 .2 6/19 NaN 1 NaN 1 3.8 6/20 4 1 7

Attempts at vectorization just still produce the StopIteration error:

 `gg['cumt'] = gg.apply(lambda x: pd.rolling_sum(x['tavg'],2, min_periods=2).shift(1) )`

or gg['cumt'] = gg.apply( lambda x: x['tavg'] + x['tavg'].shift(1)[1:] )

For tavg and iqt, I use these two approaches, but in two different functions... putting them in one function caused a problem.

  g['tavg'] = g[ g['alert_v']==1 ]['timeindex'].diff(1)
  g['iqt'] = g['value'].map(lambda x: x > g['value'].quantile(.90) and 1 or x < g['value'].quantile(.10) and 1 or 0)

alert_v value tavg iqt
1984-12-12 13:33:00 0 86 NaT NaN
1984-12-12 14:08:00 0 85 NaT 1
1984-12-12 14:08:00 0 85 NaT 1
1984-12-12 14:08:00 0 84 NaT 1
1984-12-12 14:08:00 0 84 NaT 1
1984-12-12 14:08:00 1 82 NaT 1
1984-12-12 14:25:00 1 83 00:17:00 1
1984-12-12 14:47:00 1 83 00:22:00 1
1984-12-12 16:37:00 0 88 01:50:00 1
1984-12-12 16:37:00 1 82 01:50:00 1
1984-12-12 16:37:00 0 90 01:50:00 1
1984-12-12 17:52:00 0 85 01:15:00 0
1984-12-12 17:52:00 1 95 01:15:00 0
1984-12-12 19:29:00 1 91 01:37:00 0
1984-12-12 19:29:00 0 95 01:37:00 0

anyhow, how do i take the cumsum over filtered rows ? (thanks for the vectorization tip)

  • pls show your input and what is the expected output, in a copy-pastable form. What you are doing is very inefficient. A groupby should try to use vectorized functions when possible. Then join them up at the end.
    – Jeff
    Jul 4, 2014 at 15:44
  • The stop iteration error might be due to not returning a dataframe in the except clause. See this post: stackoverflow.com/questions/24974759/… Jul 27, 2014 at 3:38


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