Is it possible to receive an explicit intent with the component option set? Example:

Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=http://example.org flags=0x10000000 comp={com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity} }

The reason why i want to this this is because i want receive this intent above, launch another browser than the default one, and drop the intent before it starts the default browser. In another words, i want to make another browser the default one.

If this is impossible, any other ideas how i can accomplish this?


1 Answer 1


1) You can explicitly launch alternative browser by calling something like startActivity(new Intent(this, OtherBrowser.class)) from Activity.
2) You can't override the default browser, but you can provide a browser alternative that user could choose when opening http://something. Just have a look at intent-filters that the default Browser declares (from Android sources).

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