I am using simple_form 3 and bootstrap 3 with rails 4. I am using the following for my form

   <%= f.association :characteristics, collection: @holidays, 
                                       prompt: "Select Holidays", 
                                       label: false,  as: :check_boxes %>

I do not want to use a button as suggested here Rails 3.1 Select All checkbox, I'd prefer a checkbox in the same list as the other checkboxes.

How can I set up this "select all" checkbox?


1 Answer 1


Try the following:

<%= f.association :characteristics, 
                  collection: [Holiday.new(id: 0, name: 'Select All')] + @holidays, 
                  label: false,  as: :check_boxes,
                  input_html: {data: {behaviour: 'select-all'}} %>

And then in js:

$('[data-behaviour="select-all"][value=0]').on('change', function(){
  var checked = this.checked;
    $(this).prop('checked', checked);

Is not an elegant solution but I think it should works

  • Holiday.new(id: 0, name: 'Select All') Genius! Nov 15, 2017 at 23:24

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