Is it possible to see the hostname of a connected unit in RabbitMQ server (management plugin view) instead of just the IP/port? We use dynamic connection locations and it would be easier to identify clients that way...

1 Answer 1


Nope, there are no such built-in feature.

As an alternative way, you can use Management Plugin CLI interface or Management Plugin HTTP API (make sure you are browsing appropriate version) to get connections IP and then manually resolve them.

If it's an option for you, you can user per-host or per-hosts-group users each with the same permissions.

  • I ended up sending hostnames using the product client property, that's good enough for me now. Thanks for the tips! Jul 17, 2014 at 8:20
  • Nice catch! If client library allows to do such trick it's probably the easiest way.
    – pinepain
    Jul 17, 2014 at 9:06
  • @pinepain what is the easiest way of identifying what the hostname for RabbitMQ is? I have an app and, locally I just use localhost and that works, but when deployed, I used the node name e.g. rabbit@578149-DVA04 and that gives me a connection refusal error.
    – J86
    Jul 4, 2017 at 8:45
  • I don't fully get what do you mean? What problem are you solving? By default nodename has format rabbit@$HOSTNAME (see rabbitmq.com/configure.html) so from default nodename you can get hostname, if I get you right.
    – pinepain
    Jul 4, 2017 at 10:15

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