I have a text file as an embedded resource & can read it fine during runtime. Now when I want to update this resource, it works fine if I edit the file in Visual Studio and then rebuild BUT if I edit in an external editor eg. notepad then the changes are not seen in Visual Studio.

I have tried cleaning then rebuilding but nothing seems to force an update of the resource file - any ideas?

  • Does notepad have permission to save the file? In other words. Open file in Notepad, make a change. Save & close notepad. Reopen file in notepad. Can you see the changes there? Jul 18, 2014 at 10:34
  • Yes, I see the changes in the altered file when opening with notepad windows explorer, but when opening it in Visual Studio it still shows the old data.
    – A_L
    Jul 18, 2014 at 11:19
  • And if you right click on the file in visual studio and click open (shell)? Jul 18, 2014 at 11:21

1 Answer 1


Argh! I see the problem now. VS copied my original file into the solution folder (the one below the .sln file) and VS is using that file. I was editing the file in the original location from where I created the resource.

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