I was working through the ruby on rails blogger tutorial on:
and i am at the point where I am fixing the show action for the blogger app.

here is my controller:

def show
@articles = Article.find(params[:id])
@comment = Comment.new
@comments = Comment.find(params[:id])

here is my show view - (which is rendering my comments partial)

 <%=render partial: 'comments/form'%>

 <%= render partial: 'articles/comment'%>
 <small><%= link_to "<< Back to Articles List", articles_path %></small>

here is my comments partial:

 <% @comments.each do |comment| %>
 <h4>Comment by:<%=comment.author_name%></h4>
 <p class="comment"><%=comment.body%></p>

My problem is that when i am trying to display all the comments from the Comment model on the show page through the each iterator in the comments partial, I get this error:

 undefined method `each' for #<Comment:0x007f12ef55d0d0> 

I dont see any problems with my instance variables in the show action. and the each method that I wrote, has the proper syntax. Does anyone know What this error means?

1 Answer 1


Your error basically means that you are expecting an array of comments, but only have a comment. The way you called find will only return one object, not an array. You need to adjust the following line:

@comments = Comment.find(params[:id])

If your relationships are set up correctly, you should be able to replace it with something like this:

@comments = article.comments

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