I've hit one more bump in the road of migrating from the old mysql_*() functions to the new PDO class: I have a the following table:

  `Id` tinyint(4) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL,
  `UserName` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
  `TestDecimal` decimal(6,0) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,

Note the zerofill'ed Id and TestDecimal fields.

If I run the following code, using the old mysql_*() functions:

$SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM test";
$Sql_Result = mysql_query($SqlQuery);

I get the following output, with the correctly zerofilled Id column:

array (size=6)
  0 => string '0001' (length=4)
  'Id' => string '0001' (length=4)
  1 => string 'alex' (length=4)
  'UserName' => string 'alex' (length=4)
  2 => string '000002' (length=6)
  'TestDecimal' => string '000002' (length=6)

However, if I do the same using PDO, like so:

$SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM test";
$SqlResult = $MysqlPDO->prepare($SqlQuery);

I get this output, with the incorrectly non-zerofilled Id column:

array (size=6)
  'Id' => int 1
  0 => int 1
  'UserName' => string 'alex' (length=4)
  1 => string 'alex' (length=4)
  'TestDecimal' => string '000002' (length=6)
  2 => string '000002' (length=6)

It seems like the PDO class is looking at the column type and returning a matching variable type (integer in this case) in PHP. After some searching I found out about the PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES attribute which can be set to force all MYSQL results to be return as strings, while this seems to work (I get a string instead of an int), it still doesn't return the leading zeros:

array (size=6)
  'Id' => string '1' (length=1)
  0 => string '1' (length=1)
  'UserName' => string 'alex' (length=4)
  1 => string 'alex' (length=4)
  'TestDecimal' => string '000002' (length=6)
  2 => string '000002' (length=6)

It seems to work correctly with the decimal(6,0) zerofill field, but not with the tinyint(4) zerofill field... Is there any way to make this work, or will I have to go over my codebase and find out what breaks with this change (I already identified a couple of things which don't work anymore...)?

Demo code.

  • This guy solved it changing to decimal stackoverflow.com/questions/6825106/…
    – Mihai
    Jul 29, 2014 at 7:59
  • Probably not relevant, but it itches me: what is the value of $ResultType (in fetch($ResultType))?
    – RandomSeed
    Jul 29, 2014 at 8:06
  • 1
    @Alex , mysql version? client API version?
    – sectus
    Jul 29, 2014 at 8:19
  • 1
    create table query?
    – sectus
    Jul 29, 2014 at 8:32
  • 1
    @sectus: OK so why do I have different output than you? Perhaps PHP or MySQL configuration? Could you post your php.ini and my.cnf files? Thanks!
    – Alex
    Jul 30, 2014 at 11:14

2 Answers 2


you may use LPAD?

try this: SELECT *, LPAD( Id, 3, '0') AS zero_Fill_Id FROM test

should change 3 according to int size: maybe 4 for this situation?


I don't think change int to decimal to be good practice, why I'll not go deeper at this, you can search on that subject.

I think you use mysqlnd driver, what I've found about it (check if enabled How to know if MySQLnd is the active driver?):

Advantages of using mysqlnd for PDO

mysqlnd returns native data types when using Server-side Prepared Statements, for example an INT column is returned as an integer variable not as a string. That means fewer data conversions internally.

source: How to get numeric types from MySQL using PDO?

In this case there is PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES which in your case should be set to true, also you can give try to PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES attribute farther see: PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not?

$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, true);

Hope this helps in any case or anyone :))

  • While this fixed the concrete example in my question, it would require me to over all my code and fix queries everywhere. If I have to do that I'd rather modify the code to work with the real integer values returned from MySQL. Thanks for answering though!
    – Alex
    Jul 29, 2014 at 12:00
  • 2
    Personally, I think LPAD's the way to go - but I don't really understand the point of zerofill
    – Strawberry
    Jul 30, 2014 at 7:36
  • 1
    @Alex You would only need to modify the database handle, not each query so I would expect the stringify fetches option to be the easiest one as you simply set the attribute when you are creating the $MysqlPDO database handler. You will probably also want to change error handling which is a common use case for setAttribute. php.net/manual/en/pdo.setattribute.php Aug 6, 2014 at 9:09
  • @edmondscommerce: Sorry for taking so long to respond, however in my question I already pointed out that even when setting PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES to TRUE, it is returning strings (instead of integers), but these strings are still not zerofilled, so my problem remains.
    – Alex
    Aug 19, 2014 at 9:48
  • OK looks like you might have simply hit an issue with PDO that you are going to have to work around. Aug 19, 2014 at 14:26

I'd write small routine to patch the PDO output to suit the requirements, and try to make the least amout of changes to the coding.

$results = pdoFix($SqlResult->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH))

function pdoFix($results) {
    foreach ($results as &$row) { // note the "&"
      $row[0] = sprintf("%'04s",$row[0]); // zerofill '0'
      $row['id'] = sprintf("%'04s",$row['id']); // zerofill 'id'
    unset($row); // break the reference with the last element
    return $results;

Note: The other answers are just as good, pick one that you are most comfortable with.

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