We are trying to display whether a file contains a specific string or not:

Here we read the file:

$myFile = "filename.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile,'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize("filename.txt"));

filename.txt contains "Offline"

Here we are trying to compare the strings:

echo "Online"; }
elseif(strcmp($theData,"Offline")==0) {
echo "Offline"; }
else {
echo "This IF is not working." }

We have tried using regular if without the strcomp, but it did not work either. I'm thinking that an IF cannot compare the results from the fread to a regular string. Perhaps we will need to try another method.

Any Ideas?

  • Try to do a var_dump() of $theData to know the type and get more information.
    – Hoijof
    Jul 29, 2014 at 10:00
  • Did you try var_dump($theData)?
    – hjpotter92
    Jul 29, 2014 at 10:01

4 Answers 4


Use preg_match()

$string = "your-string";
$pattern = "/\boffline\b/i"; 

// The \b in the pattern indicates a word boundary, so only the distinct 
// word "offline" is matched; if you want to match even partial word "offline"
// within some word, change the pattern to this /offline/i

if(preg_match($pattern, $string)) {
    echo "A match was found.";

You can use strpos() as well (it is faster in this case)

$string = 'your-stringoffline';
$find   = 'offline';
$pos = strpos($string, $find);

if($pos !== false){
    echo "The string '$find' was found in the string '$string' at position $pos";
    echo "The string '$find' was not found in the string '$string'";

regex is very slow when used to search in long strings. use strpos

$strFile = file_get_contents("filename.txt"); // load file
if(strpos($strFile, 'Online')!==false){ // check if "Online" exists
    echo "We are Online";
elseif(strpos($strFile, 'Offline')!==false){ // check if "Offline" exists
    echo "We are Offline";
else{ // other cases
    echo "Status is unknown";

I put another way to do that (depending what it is inside the file), although it is not the best it may be useful in some circumstances

if (exec("grep Offline filename.txt") === 'Offline')
    echo 'Offline';
    echo 'Online';



Are you checked the value contains in $theData ?

Try something like this:

if(strcmp($theData,"Online") === 0)
   echo $theData." is equal to string Online using case sensisive"; 
else if(strcmp($theData,"Offline") === 0)
   echo $theData." is equal to string Offline using case sensisive"; 
   echo $theData." This IF is not working.";  

Here the doc for more infos: http://php.net//manual/en/function.strcmp.php

Or using the hex494D49's method: (Not tested)

function isStringAreTheSame($initialString, $stringToCompare) {
   $pattern = "/\b".$initialString."\b/";

   return preg_match($pattern, $stringToCompare);
  • 1
    $pattern = "/\b".$initialString."\b/" or you'll get Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '/' found in... Feb 9, 2021 at 22:51
  • I have updated my post with your suggestion ;) Thank you for this ;)
    – Lapinou
    Feb 10, 2021 at 13:44

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