I wonder if anyone has used RoyalSlider and has the same question as me?

I've used RoyalSlider for 2 projects of mine so far and it's great, though I am not sure if this is an issue or a function that has not yet been integrated.

I have set the slider to be autoPlay. It's working fine. But I noticed as soon as I touch the slide (either clicking on it or swiping it). The autoPlay just stops (regardless of pauseOnHover was true or false).

Ideally, i think it is best to have the autoPlay to resume after users interact with the slider?

My markup is as followed:


<div class="hero desktop z-lv3">
            <div class="royalSlider-desktop rsDefault">
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero1.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero2.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero3.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero1.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero1.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero1.jpg" alt="" />
                <div class="rsContent">
                    <img class="rsImg" src="img/global/hero1.jpg" alt="" />
            </div>  <!------------------- End Slider Desktop  ------------------->
         </div> <!------------------- End Slider Desktop Wrapper ------------------->   
  1. Jquery

            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
            arrowsNav: true,
            loop: true,
            keyboardNavEnabled: true,
            imageScaleMode: 'fill',
            autoScaleSlider: true, 
            autoScaleSliderWidth: 1600,
            controlNavigation: 'bullets',
            controlsInside: false,
            navigateByClick: true,
            autoPlay: {
                    // autoplay options go gere
                    enabled: true,
                    pauseOnHover: true,
                    delay: 2500,

I don't expect an instant fix for this because it's fine as is, but would like to know if this has been considered by anyone before me? Thank you! Cheers.

2 Answers 2


You need to include stopAtAction: false since the default is set to true.

Like this:

autoPlay: {
        // autoplay options go gere
        enabled: true,
        stopAtAction: false,
        pauseOnHover: true,
        delay: 2500,
    setInterval(function() {$('.AutoPlaySlider').trigger('click');}, 3000);
    $('.royalSlider').hover(function () {
  • 2
    Please add a text to describe the goal of your code or how it answer to the question.
    – A.L
    Oct 21, 2014 at 12:11

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