How can I write a custom rule using knockout validation so two dropdowns trigger the same error message? The dropdown default values are -1 as you can see below but I'm struggling to get the error message working for both. The error message is correctly showing for the first dropdown (self.select1) when the value is -1 but I can't get it working for the second dropdown as well (self.select2)


self.select1 = ko.observable('-1');
self.select2 = ko.observable('-1');

mark up

<div data-bind="css: { valid: (select1.isModified() && select1.isValid()), requiredText: (select1.isModified() && !select1.isValid())}">
    <select data-bind="options: xxx1, optionsText: 'value', optionsValue: 'name', value: select1, event:{blur: function(){select1.isModified(true);}}"></select>

<div data-bind="css: { valid: (select2.isModified() && select2.isValid()), requiredText: (select2.isModified() && !select2.isValid())}">
    <select data-bind="options: xxx2, optionsText: 'value', optionsValue: 'name', value: select2, event:{blur: function(){select2.isModified(true);}}"></select>

error message

<div class="LV_validation_message_wrapper">
    <span role="alert" class="LV_validation_message " data-bind="if: select1.isModified() && !select1.isValid(),
                style: { display: select1.isModified() && !select1.isValid() ?'block':'none' }, 
                attr: { title: select1.error }, validationMessage: select1" title="error message" style="display: block;">error message</span>
  • are you looking for required field validation ? help me understand
    – super cool
    Aug 13, 2014 at 16:41

1 Answer 1


you can look into this tried in a simple approach which is readable and easy to understand

see working Fiddle

Sample view model :

function ViewModel() {
    var self = this;
    self.choiceval =ko.observable("");
    self.numberval =ko.observable("");
    var choices = [
        { id: 1, name: "one" },
        { id: 2, name: "two" },
        { id: 3, name: "three" }
     var numbers = [
        { id: 1, name: "one" },
        { id: 2, name: "two" },
        { id: 3, name: "three" }

    self.choices = ko.observableArray(choices);
    self.numbers = ko.observableArray(numbers);

    self.Validation = ko.validatedObservable([
        self.numberval.extend({ required: true }),
         self.choiceval.extend({ required: true })


ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
  • thanks but this example shows each dropdown having it's own corresponding error message. I need the two dropdowns to only have one message. Aug 13, 2014 at 20:30
  • i.e. a credit card could have 2 dropdowns for the expiry date, month and year. But the one message would say 'please enter a valid expiry date' Aug 13, 2014 at 20:42

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