It seems commonly thought that C++/CLI's initonly is the equivalent of C#'s readonly keyword. However, the following:

ref class C { 
    void Method();
    initonly array<int>^ m_array;

C::C() {
    m_array = gcnew array<int>(10);

void C::Method() {
    m_array[0] = 5; // Fails with C3893

The full error is "'C::m_array': l-value use of initonly data member is only allowed in an instance constructor of class 'C'".

The error message seems strange as I'm not using m_array as the target of an assignment, this is the equivalent of writing

m_array->SetValue(5, 0);

which incidentally compiles fine and does the same thing.

Is this bugged in C++/CLI or by design? By the way, is there any performance penalty to using Array::SetValue vs using the accessor?

A similar (but not identical) case was reported and apparently filed as a bug for VS2008: http://bytes.com/topic/net/answers/847520-initonly-but-not-bug-vc-2008-clr . I'm using Visual Studio 2012.

1 Answer 1


Yes, that's a bug. It's enforcing something which is not implied by the .NET type system, and the enforcement is ineffective.

But don't use Array::SetValue, which involves boxing and is not type safe. You can just do:

auto array = m_array; // another handle to same array
array[0] = 5;

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