I have the following 2 classes:

 class B; 
 class A
     operator B() const;
  class B

here, A defines implicit conversion operator to B class. Then C++ reference says the following " If an implicit conversion sequence from new_type to the type of expression exists, that does not include lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, function-to-pointer, null pointer, null member pointer, or boolean conversion, then static_cast can perform the inverse of that implicit conversion". It means that the following is to be compiled

  A a;
  B b=a;
  A a1=static_cast<A> (b);

but Xcode gives an error message

  • The latest standard(s) refer to "standard conversion" not "implicit conversion". I think that's important. This conversion is invalid.
    – david.pfx
    Aug 20, 2014 at 3:47
  • Actually, I found your wording on cppreference. Maybe it's from an outdated version of the standard? See en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/static_cast
    – david.pfx
    Aug 20, 2014 at 3:48

1 Answer 1


Your C++ reference is being imprecise. The Standard (C++14 §5.2.9/7) says,

The inverse of any standard conversion sequence (Clause 4) not containing an lvalue-to-rvalue (4.1), array-to-pointer (4.2), function-to-pointer (4.3), null pointer (4.10), null member pointer (4.11), or boolean (4.12) conversion, can be performed explicitly using static_cast.

Notice that it says standard conversion sequence. static_cast cannot perform the inverse of a user-defined conversion. It is also not hard to see why this is; if static_cast were required to perform the inverse of user-defined conversion sequences, it would have to have the ability to reverse arbitrary algorithms. For example, if A holds a pair of integers and B holds a single integer, and A::operator B() multiplies together the two integers, then the inverse would have to factor the integer in B...

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