I'm having issues getting a proper count total with my Laravel model.

Model Structure

  • User
  • Item
  • ItemLike

A user can have multiple Items, and each of these Items can have multiple ItemLikes (when a user 'likes' the item).

I can easily get the individual ItemLike counts when using an Item model:

return $this->itemLikes()->count();

But I can't figure out how to get the total # of ItemLike's a User has across all the Item's he owns.


User A has 3 Items. Each Item has 5 ItemLike's, for a grand total of 15.

I tried using eager loading on the User model like this:

return $this->items()->with('itemlikes')->get()->count();

But that returns 3 (the # of Items)

These are the queries it ran, which appears like the second query is the one I want, yet every way I try it I still get 3 instead of 15

select * from `items` where `items`.`user_id` = '1000'
select * from `item_likes` where `item_likes`.`item_id` in ('1000', '1001', '1002')
  • You need to join the tables... Have you researched how to do this yet? Aug 25, 2014 at 1:37
  • possible duplicate of Laravel join with 3 Tables Aug 25, 2014 at 1:40
  • @JohnRuddell no I have not. Any specific article I should look at? Aug 25, 2014 at 1:51
  • If you look at that link in the comment there's an example of joining the tables.. If you join them you should be able to get the correct count Aug 25, 2014 at 2:00
  • Is there not a way to do this more simply with the eager loading & models? If the second query it runs was select count(*) it would give me the proper result, without joining tables. Aug 25, 2014 at 2:05

3 Answers 3


After suggestions from others I found 2 solutions to get the result.

Using whereIn:

$itemViewCount = ItemView::
whereIn('item_views.item_id', $this->items()->lists('id'))

return $itemViewCount;

2 queries for a total of 410μs

Using join:

$itemViewCount = $this->items()
->join('item_views', 'item_views.item_id', '=', 'items.id')

return $itemViewCount;

2 queries for a total of 600μs


Isn't it just a case of creating a method that would return the number of items for the model. e.g.:

public function nbLikes()
    $nbLikes = 0;
    foreach($this->items() as $item) {
        $nbLikes += $item->itemLikes()->count();

    return $nbLikes;

And then User::nbLikes() should return the piece of data you are looking for?

  • 1
    This works, but according to other posts I've read leads to the n+1 problem of running a query for every single item instead of 1 query counting them all. If a User had 10,000 Items, it would have to run 10,001 queries to get the count. Aug 25, 2014 at 1:48

try this: $query="select count(il.id) from item_likes il,item itm where il.item_id=itm.id and tm.user_id=1000";

  • I'd rather not do a raw query considering these are all related in the model structure of laravel. Aug 25, 2014 at 2:13

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