I have a Java Reflection for:

Oracle SQL class ArrayDescriptor and a method createDescriptor(String, Connection) which I use to create an Array Descriptor object in my code.

This method returns ArrayDescriptor object. Since, all of this is happening at the run-time. I don't know how do I handle the return value which of type ArrayDescriptor(same as what I'm loading at runtime).

One possibility may be: I can collect it as an Object type. But, when I need to use this object, how do I perform the cast on this object?

I don't know, if the above is an ideal way to do this. Kindly advise on an elegant way to do this, if any.

Thanks in advance.

  • 2
    Show some code describing your problem in greater detail, or create an example which closely resembles it if you can't post code. You will get better answers. Sep 1, 2014 at 16:14

1 Answer 1


If your is as : Create or replace procedure procedure_name(field1 number_t, field2 varchar2_t, o_errors out integer_t) is ...

The Java code should be as: ArrayDescriptor oracleVarchar2Collection = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("VARCHAR2_T",conn);

ArrayDescriptor oracleIntegerCollection = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("INTEGER_T",conn);

ArrayDescriptor oracleNumberCollection = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("NUMBER_T",conn);

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