I know this is simple but I can't figure it out. Can you show me how to merge these two, so Total is to right of Count.

MariaDB [meta]> select `Sector`, count(*) as `Count` from meta where `Close` > `VWAP` and `Sector` != '' group by `Sector`;                                                                  +-----------------------+-------+
| Sector                | Count |
| Basic Industries      |    85 |
| Capital Goods         |    90 |
| Consumer Durables     |    42 |
| Consumer Non-Durables |    63 |
| Consumer Services     |   237 |
| Energy                |    80 |
| Finance               |   233 |
| Health Care           |   165 |
| Miscellaneous         |    31 |
| Public Utilities      |   100 |
| Technology            |   162 |
| Transportation        |    35 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [meta]> select `Sector`,count(`Sector`) as `Total` from `meta` where `Sector` != '' group by `Sector`;                                                                               +-----------------------+-------+
| Sector                | Total |
| Basic Industries      |   368 |
| Capital Goods         |   403 |
| Consumer Durables     |   157 |
| Consumer Non-Durables |   237 |
| Consumer Services     |   832 |
| Energy                |   382 |
| Finance               |   880 |
| Health Care           |   681 |
| Miscellaneous         |   155 |
| Public Utilities      |   264 |
| Technology            |   709 |
| Transportation        |   114 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I also need another column for Percentage where count is a percentage of total.

  • Have you tried researching how to do that?
    – Kermit
    Sep 4, 2014 at 23:59
  • Yes, I have tried subqueries and joins but I cannot figure out the proper context. My issue is because of the GROUP BY, I think.
    – ctrlbrk
    Sep 4, 2014 at 23:59

1 Answer 1


Add the following SELECT clause to the second query:

SUM(`Close` > `VWAP`) AS `Count`

What it does is summarizes number of rows that have the Close > VWAP condition true.

The ANSII SQL-friendly (apart of using backticks) one would be

SUM(CASE WHEN `Close` > `VWAP` THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS `Count`

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