I'm trying to close another window when I'm clicking on a specific link. (with javascript)

I have only find a solution where I can close the current window I'm in.

I'm in shop.php and want to close client.php

So when I'm click on the shop.php I will close client.php..

<li class="viptab"><a href="{url}/shop" target="_blank" onClick="javascript:window.close('client.php')">SHOP</a><span></span></li>

Any suggestions?

  • Did JavaScript open up the window? AKA window.open() Sep 5, 2014 at 13:20
  • Yes, it did. Opened shop and client at the same time. Sep 5, 2014 at 13:24

1 Answer 1


Use if you want close current window . <button onclick="self.close()">Close </button>

Or use this if you want close child window from parent

<!DOCTYPE html>

<button onclick="openWin()">Open </button>
<button onclick="closeWin()">Close </button>

var myWindow;

function openWin() {
    myWindow = window.open("/client.php", "_blank", "width=500, height=500");

function closeWin() {


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