Why does javascript return this type error:

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'active' in undefined

when I do something like this

foo = [ 
          {link:"http1", active:"true"}, 
          {link:"http2", active:"true"}, 

    var checker = function(){

        for(i=0; i<= foo.length; i++){ 
            if('active' in foo[i]){
                checked = true

but when I do this in the console with the same foo object

'active' in foo[0]

it returns true?

  • JavaScript best practice: don't use in. JavaScript has supported what you're trying to do since forever as simply if (foo[i].active) { ... }, or if the property is in a named variable, let's pretend we have one call "propname", if (foo[i][propname]) { ... }. And for sanity, you do if (foo[i] && foo[i].active) { ... } Sep 6, 2014 at 1:23
  • Thank you. Coming from python it seems normal to do 'in' but I see what you're saying
    – Garuuk
    Sep 6, 2014 at 2:41

1 Answer 1


The error says the expression foo[i] is undefined - because, the expression does evaluate to undefined. (Hint: i = 4).

Trivially the issue is reproducible with 'active' in undefined, no loop required.

The cause in this case is an incorrect condition for the loop: it should be i < foo.length, so i goes 0..3 and not 0..4.

The code should likely also use a local i (thanks RobG!), a break (when checked is set), return a value from the function (instead of using a presumed global), and/or be replaced with Array.some.

Now also closing as "a typographical error"..

  • Ahhh dang didn't catch that. Yup makes sense, I should have checked to make sure the checked value was true first.
    – Garuuk
    Sep 6, 2014 at 0:00
  • 2
    Consider keeping variables local, especially counters: for (var i=0, iLen=foo.length, checked=false; i<iLen && !checked; i++) {checked = !!foo[i] && 'active' in foo[i]} or something like that.
    – RobG
    Sep 6, 2014 at 1:08

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