I'd like to create unit tests that test whether instances of specific types (not written by me) are being created; whether they are live or on the GC heap, etc - the kind of thing the .Net profiler API allows profilers to do via C++. These tests need to be run from Visual Studio via the NUnit test adapter for Visual Studio.

However, I have not found any built-in or third party C# API that will allow me to do this.

The SciTech memory profiler API comes close, but it does not seem to allow profiling running tests in Visual Studio. Instead, it requires that the unit test runner process be run under the profiler.


1 Answer 1


You can check with the following options:

  1. https://www.jetbrains.com/dotmemory/unit/

  2. https://memprofiler.com/automate-memory-testing2

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