I'm quite new to the Node.js and I currently have a problem to make mean.js + socket.io work properly.

In a nutschel, the client does not receive the events emitted in the on('connection',...) handler, but it receives other events.

To demonstrate my probleme, I reproduced it on a base mean.js application.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. install mean.js:
    npm install -g generator-meanjs
    yo meanjs

  2. Replace server.js with this one https://gist.github.com/Nihaux/c02d61f6572d6531b60c (setup socket.io)

  3. Replace app/views/layout.server.view.hmtl with this one https://gist.github.com/Nihaux/05041ff4a33f0f5c7508 (launch socket io and add a link to send an event)

  4. Optional comment line 67 in config/express.js to disable express logger (too much noise).

  5. Run DEBUG=socket* node server.js

  6. With google-chrome, open the debug bar, on the network tab, websocket filter

  7. Goto localhost:3000. The websocket should appear: on the frame tab I have 5
    => I should have received a "hello" msg

  8. Scroll at the bottom of the page and click on "TEST ME"
    after refreshing the frame tab (by click on another tab then back to frame tab) I can see:
    42["test:received",{"data":"test"}] ==> the message the server sent me back
    42["test"] ==> the message I sent

Please, can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?

EDIT: In fact the client does receive the event, but google-chrome does not shows it on the frame panel.

1 Answer 1


This tutorial is a pretty straightforward way to get Socket.IO integrated and working with a base MEAN.JS project. Hope this helps.

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