$Analog_File = "c:\temp\test\mt.txt"
#(Get-Item $Analog_File).length
if((Test-Path(-not $Analog_File)) -or ((Get-Item $Analog_File).length -eq 0kb))
$m = Select-String -pattern  ",T" c:\temp\test\mt_1.txt
#$m.length #Get the number of rows

For ($i=0; $i -le $m.length; $i++)
    $s1 = $m[$i] -split ":"
    if ([int]$s1[2] -ge 9)    #le = less than, ge = greater than, eq = equal to
        $s2 = $s1[3] -split ","
        $compid = $s2[2].split('''')[0] + "." + $s2[3].split('''')[0] + "." + $s2[4].split('''')[0] + "." + $s2[5].split('''')[0]
        $matches = (Select-String -pattern  $compid c:\temp\test\mt_1.txt).line
        if ($s2[6] -eq "T")
            #"Not in Service"
            #"!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[0] + "!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[1] + "!0!" >> $fname
        if ($s2[7] -eq "T")
            #"Alarm inhibit"
            #"!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[0] + "!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[1] + "!1!" >> $fname
        if ($s2[8] -eq "T")
            #"Manual update"
            #"!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[0] + "!" + ($matches.split(';')[0]).split(',')[1] + "!2!" >> $fname

the error message:

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

At line:17 char:31

  • $compid = $s2[2].split <<<< ('''')[0] + "." + $s2[3].split('''')[0] + "." + $s2[4].split('''')[0] + "." + $s2[5].split('''')[0]

    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (split:String) [], RuntimeException

    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

what can i do??

  • 1
    Validate that the string is not null before calling the split method.
    – ojk
    Sep 23, 2014 at 9:13
  • What @ojk said - or show us what's inside c:\temp\test\mt_1.txt.
    – Raf
    Sep 23, 2014 at 9:15


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