I have a WPF view that displays a Shipment entity. I have a textblock that contains an asterisk which will alert a user that the record is changed but unsaved. I originally hoped to bind the visibility of this (with converter) to the Shipment.EntityState property.

If value = EntityState.Modified Then
    Return Visibility.Visible
    Return Visibility.Collapsed
End If

The property gets updated just fine, but the view is ignorant of the change. What I need to know is, how can I get the UI to receive notification of the property change. If this cannot be done, is there a good way of writing my own IsDirty property that handles editing retractions (i.e. if I change the value of a property, then change it back to it's original it does not get counted as an edit, and state remains Unchanged).

Any help, as always, will be greatly appreciated.


2 Answers 2


After struggling with the same problem for a little bit, here is a solution that is working for me. Lets say I have an entity called Trip that was generated by EF, I just needed to extend the class by means of partial class as showed below. The RaiseEntityStateChanged method is useful when you need to force a refresh of the EntytyState property, for example after calling the context's SaveChanges method.

partial class Trip
   bool _forced = false;
   System.Data.EntityState _lastState;

   public Trip()
     _lastState = EntityState;
     this.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => 
       if (_lastState != this.EntityState && e.PropertyName != "EntityState" || _forced)
          _forced = false;

       _lastState = this.EntityState;

  public virtual void RaiseEntityStateChanged()
     _forced = true;

I don't see a way to create a XAML binding on an existing property to do what you are trying to do. But you could write your own IsDirty property, based on the EntityState; you could update this value by subscribing to the PropertyChanged event raised by the base EntityObject. Of course, you'll need to also raise a PropertyChanged event for IsDirty (so that the GUI is notified) and ignore this event in your handler (to prevent infinite recursion). Edit: added the following after question by OP:

This is how I see it, in order to answer the comment.

In the shipment class, one can add:

public bool IsDirty { get { return EntityState == EntityState.Modified; } }

public Shipment() {
PropertyChanged += OnShipmentChanged;

private void OnShipmentChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs pcea) {
    if (pcea.PropertyName != "IsDirty") { // prevent recursion
        OnPropertyChanged("IsDirty"); // notifies binding listener that the state has changed

During the night, I thought of another way, which is to create a multi-binding on each Shipment property (which would replace this whole notion of an IsDirty property and would actually answer the original question). This could make sense if there are just a couple of Shipment properties. I'd say if there are more than 3, we should forget about this idea.

  • How does one listen for an event raised in another class, like an entity? I tried to create an event handler in the shipment entity class and then in the ViewModel, with no luck. Sorry for asking this, but I just don't know and the Google is not being kind to me this morning. Cory Apr 9, 2010 at 14:58
  • I am translating your above code to VB.NET and I am stuck on This :PropertyChanged += OnShipmentChanged;. What is that doing? I understand that += just adds the indicated value to the current value, but the debugger is taking exception to that. Apr 9, 2010 at 16:58
  • 1
    Oops, sorry about the language. += with events means to subscribe to the event. I am not fluent in VB.NET, but I think that the equivalent is: AddEventHandler(event, AddressOf handling_method)
    – Timores
    Apr 10, 2010 at 7:01

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