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How can I write the query, select albums.*, count number of images in images table, if no images on albums count as zero. One album may has 0 or more images.

The following query result in no rows when the album has no images.

SELECT `albums`.*, count(images.id) as num 
FROM (`albums`) 
INNER JOIN `images` ON `images`.`album_id`=`albums`.`id`
  • Use a left join instead of an inner join.
    – crthompson
    Oct 7, 2014 at 17:11

1 Answer 1


Try this... You need to use a left join and a group by

  SELECT `albums`.*, count(images.id) as num 
  FROM (`albums`) 
  LEFT JOIN `images` ON `images`.`album_id`=`albums`.`id`
  GROUP BY albums.id

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