I am trying to test my export (proguard) apk on Samsung galaxy s5. But it’s not clear to me in which directory to put it. If you ever use a mac with android device, you know that for many phones, when you plug them to your computer, the Android File Transfer directory comes with a subdirectory clearly labeled APK. So normally I drop my apk there, and then do the rest on the device itself. But for samsung s5, there is no such folder. So in what subdirectory do I place the file? Has anyone done this successfully? My phone is already configured for development. I develop the app using it and eclipse. Thanks for any guidance.

2 Answers 2


Use adb install package_name.apk


The way I usually do it is to put it on a test server, then download it and open it. ie. http://www.myserver.com/my.apk and then open it. The other way is to connect your phone via adb and do an adb push yourapk.apk.


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