I have 2 databases.

db1 and db2. I defined them in config/main.php file

db1 has table table1 and db2 has table2

table1 has a column which is primary key of table2

How do I define relations in table1?

I did it as usual but it is retrieving data from db1.table2.

Basically I want to link db1.table1 and db2.table2

  • Hi user, if I post my complete code to make this work. Would you give me the tick? Only than I will help ya. :) I solved this already.
    – lin
    Nov 17, 2014 at 8:30

2 Answers 2


You have to use Yii Query Builder, and make a query like this:

SELECT u1.* FROM database1.users u1 LEFT JOIN database2.users u2 ON u1.id=u2.id WHERE u2.id IS NOT NULL;

To use your another db connection, You can override getDbConnection() method in your model. Take a look:

public function getDbConnection(){
    return Yii::app()->db2;

Anyway, Yii 1.X does not officially supports Cross-Database relations. You may need to write some codes. As Yii's official Wiki says:

Limitations on Multi-DB support: Tables in one database cannot directly reference tables in another database, and this means that relations don't cross DB boundaries.

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