I'm having a segmentation fault problem with a networking program using threads to deal with each new connection.

MAX_PEERS is defined above as 10.

int iret[MAX_PEERS];
pthread_t thread[MAX_PEERS];

(void) signal(SIGCHLD, reaper);
printf("before while\n");
int i = 0;
while(1) {
    client_len = sizeof(client);
    new_sd = accept(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &client_len);
    if(new_sd < 0){
    fprintf(stderr, "Can't accept client \n");
    printf("before thread\n");
    iret[i] = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, connection, (void*) new_sd);
    if(iret != 0){
        printf("thread[%d] not generated!\n", i);
    printf("end of while\n");

and the function "connection" beggins as follows

void *connection(void *sdd)
    int sd =* (int *) sdd; 

When the client tries to connect to the server I get a segmentation fault.

> ./server 20011                  
before while
before accept
after accept
before thread
./server: zsh: segmentation fault  ./server 20011

It prints "before accept" before the client connects, and after the client connects it prints the rest.

Am I creating the threads correctly? Any ideas?


  • You should pass &new_sd as arg to pthread_create
    – rednaks
    Nov 11, 2014 at 23:59
  • this line: if(i>MAX_PEERS-1){break;} moves execution to the line: printf("before thread\n"); and the very next line is using that 'i' value as an index into the array of '&thread[i],' which results in undefined behaviour, in this case, with a seg fault event Nov 12, 2014 at 2:54

1 Answer 1


accept() returns an integer, so new_sd must be an integer. When you create a new thread you cast new_sd to a void pointer. But when you get that pointer in the function, instead of casting back to int you cast it to a pointer to int and dereference it, which causes the seg fault.

Instead of using possibly incorrect casting, rather pass an integer. Assuming that new_sd will go out of scope, allocate space for an integer and pass it to your thread.

int* new_sdp = malloc( sizeof( *new_sdp )) ;
*new_sdp = new_sd ;

iret[i] = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, connection, new_sdp);

and in the thread:

void *connection(void *sdd)
    int sd = *(int *)sdd; 

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