I have 2 table users(id,userid,fn,ln) and userdetails(id,userid,image,history,location,activity) And i have written a query for first table to retrieve all the data and i want only history and location ,from second table.

i have retrieved the array and i am sending it to json_encode. Now i want to retrieve the history,location and create a new key History and i want to add history location values to history key.

I need a query and json format for these.

  • For particular user i need to retrieve is own history In both tables user id in common Thanks in advance

    $sth = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");$result = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth); $i=0; foreach($result as $data) { $final_array[$i]['id'] = $data['id']; $final_array[$i]['email'] = $data['email']; $final_array[$i]['fname'] = $data['fname']; $final_array[$i]['lname'] = $data['lname'];

        $sth2 = mysql_query("SELECT id,places,act FROM user_dates WHERE user_id= '".$data['email']."'");
        $result2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth2);
        $history_array = array();
        foreach($result2 as $data2) { 
          $history_array[$j] = array("id" => $data2['id'],"places" => $data2['places'], "act " => $data2['act ']);
        $final_array[$i]['history'] = $history_array;
    echo json_encode($final_array);

[ { "id": "81", "user_id": "2011", "fn": "asd.", "ln": "wer", "History": [ { "id": "350", "history": "make1", "Location": "qwe" } ] }, { "id": "82", "user_id": "2012", "fn": "asd1", "ln": "wer1", "History": [ { "id": "350", "history": "make2", "Location": "qwe2" } ] } ]

1 Answer 1


Userdetails table contains multiple records per user. So you need to do sub query and get the results and then form a mulch-dimensional array. Finally, encode as a JSON.

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");
$result = $sth->fetchAll();

foreach($result as $data) { 
    $final_array[$i]['id'] = $data['id'];
    $final_array[$i]['userid'] = $data['userid'];
    $final_array[$i]['fn'] = $data['fn'];
    $final_array[$i]['ln'] = $data['ln'];

    $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT location,activity FROM userdetails WHERE userid= ".$data['id']."");
    $result2 = $sth2->fetchAll();
    $history_array = array();
    foreach($result2 as $data2) { 
      $history_array[$j] = array("location" => $data2['location'], "activity " => $data2['activity ']);
    $final_array[$i]['history'] = $history_array;

echo json_encode($final_array);
  • Suppose if i want to fetch all data from table1 ie., users and only history and activity from second table2 ie., user details Nov 15, 2014 at 14:21
  • you can simply add "select users.*, , userdetails.history, , userdetails.activity"
    – Asik
    Nov 15, 2014 at 14:24
  • for history i have missing square brackets "History": [ { "id": "350", "history": "make1", "Location": "qwe" } ] as i shown above what can be done for these Nov 15, 2014 at 14:43
  • $final_array[$i]['history'] = array(array("id" => $data['userDetailsId'], "history" => $data['history'], , "Location" => $data['Location']));
    – Asik
    Nov 15, 2014 at 14:47
  • The query is running depend on 2 table if i want 2 run a query depend on 1 table For example: i have only two users for that 2 users there will be to n number of histories stored in table 2 ,i need only 2 rows in the output all history should be inside particular row of the user. can u tell me what solves my problem please Nov 15, 2014 at 14:59

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