EDIT: The original post follows, but its a bit long and wordy. This edit presents a simplified question.

I'm trying to SUM 1 column multiple times; from what I've found, my options are either CASE or (SELECT). I am trying to SUM based on a date range and I can't figure out if CASE allows that.

 table.number  |  table.date  
   2        2014/12/18
   2        2014/12/19
   3        2015/01/11
   3        2015/01/12
   7        2015/02/04
   7        2015/02/05

As separate queries, it would look like this:

SELECT SUM(number) as alpha FROM table WHERE date >= 2014/12/01 AND date<= DATE_ADD (2014/12/01, INTERVAL 4 WEEKS)
SELECT SUM(number) as beta FROM table WHERE date >= 2014/12/29 AND date<= DATE_ADD (2014/12/01, INTERVAL 4 WEEKS)
SELECT SUM(number) as gamma FROM table WHERE date >= 2014/01/19 AND date<= DATE_ADD (2014/12/01, INTERVAL 4 WEEKS)

Looking for result set

alpha   |   beta   | gamma
  2          6         14

ORIGINAL: I'm trying to return SUM of payments that will be due within my budgeting time frame (4 weeks) for the current budgeting period and 2 future periods. Some students pay every 4 weeks, others every 12. Here are the relevant fields in my tables:

client.name |   client.ppid |  client.last_payment
john            |   1       |   12/01/14
jack            |   2       |   11/26/14
jane            |   3       |    10/27/14       

pay_profile.id  | pay_profile.price | pay_profile.interval  (in weeks)
        1                   140                     4
        2                   399                     4
        3                   1                       12

pay_history.name    |   pay_history.date  | pay_history.amount 
john                |       12/02/14      |        140
jerry               |   more historical   |       data

budget.period_start |

I think the most efficient way of doing this is:

1.)SUM all students who pay every 4 weeks as base_pay

2.)SUM all students who pay every 12 weeks and whose DATEADD(client.last_payment, INTERVAL pay_profile.interval WEEKS) is >= budget.period_start and <= DATEADD(budget.period_start, INTERVAL 28 DAYS) as accounts_receivable

3.) As the above step will miss people who've already paid in this budgeting period (as this updates their last_payment dating, putting them out of the range specified in #2), I'll also need to SUM pay_history.date for the range above as well. paid_in_full

4.) repeat step 2 above, adjusting the range and column name for future periods (i.e. accounts_receivable_2

5.) use php to SUM base_pay, accounts_receivable, and pay_history, repeating the process for future periods.

I'm guessing the easiest way would be to use CASE, which I've not done before. Here was my best guess, which fails due to a sytax error. I assuming I can use DATE_ADD in the WHEN statement.

    DATE_ADD(client.last_payment, INTERVAL pay_profile.interval WEEK) >= budget.period_start 
    DATE_ADD(client.last_payment, INTERVAL pay_profile.interval WEEK) <=                                                           
    DATE_ADD(budget.period_start,INTERVAL 28 DAY) THEN SUM(pay_profile.price) as base_pay
FROM client
LEFT OUTER JOIN pay_profile ON client.ppid = pay_profile.ppid 
LEFT OUTER JOIN budget ON client.active = 1
client.active = 1 


  • You lost me. Consider providing proper DDLs and a desired result set.
    – Strawberry
    Dec 6, 2014 at 10:52
  • Does the edit clear it up?
    – Kale
    Dec 6, 2014 at 17:16
  • For me? No, it doesn't.
    – Strawberry
    Dec 6, 2014 at 17:28


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