SLet's take this class:

class standardClass
        standardClass(int) {}

        ~standardClass() {}

        standardClass(standardClass&)  {}

        standardClass & operator=(standardClass&)
            return *this; 

int main()
    standardClass stdClassObj1(1);
    standardClass stdClassObj2(stdClassObj1);
    standardClass stdClassObj3 = stdClassObj2;
    stdClassObj1 = stdClassObj2;
    stdClassObj2 = standardClass(4);
    stdClassObj2 = 4;

I am getting an error on the last assignment.

All these lines are allowed except the last one. In the last one the integer 4 does not invoke the constructor. The error says there is no assignment operator for this. I understand that. But what I'm confused is why this implicit conversion works for a new object (line 1) and not to an existing object (line 2).

I do understand that in the case of line 1, copy constructor is called to create the new AObj4. But in line 2 it invokes the assingment operator. Why cant it make a temporary object with integer 4 and invoke the assignment operator as it would do for line 3?

  • 4
    Is that your real code? The line which you marked line 2 compiles for me.
    – user3920237
    Dec 11, 2014 at 8:22
  • Copy-construction (what happens in "line 1") and copy-assignment (what happens in "line 2") are different operations. Dec 11, 2014 at 8:22
  • 5
    @madu copy-assignment operator should take const standardClass & objToCopy (the same applies to copy-constructor) Dec 11, 2014 at 8:28
  • 1
    @juanchopanza To be fair, the OP did try to clean up the code, but cleaned it up so much that the problem was gone.
    – user743382
    Dec 11, 2014 at 8:37
  • 1
    I've removed the noise from your code, keeping it complete WRT the error in question. Dec 11, 2014 at 8:44

2 Answers 2

standardClass(standardClass &objToCopy) // copy constructor

A copy constructor should take a const-qualified reference, like so:

standardClass(const standardClass &objToCopy)

Same for your assignment operator: that should be

standardClass & operator=(const standardClass &objToCopy)

Non-const-qualified lvalue references cannot be used with temporary objects, such as the temporary object that would otherwise be created from your literal 4.

  • you are right. But now I don't understand why then would the copy constructor work without the const specifier? For example stdClass stdObj = 4; would work even without the const qualifier in the copy constructor.
    – madu
    Dec 11, 2014 at 8:40
  • 1
    @madu Visual C++ has some areas in which it fails to conform to the C++ standard by default, particularly with non-const reference binding to temporaries which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. On a conforming implementation, that would be diagnosed. Visual C++ has an option to disable language extensions, which you may want to experiment with. I do get an error for that if language extensions are disabled.
    – user743382
    Dec 11, 2014 at 8:54
  • Thank you very much. As long as it is also supposed to fail as per standard. I thought there is some other rule pertaining to copy constructor.
    – madu
    Dec 11, 2014 at 8:58

You just changed the entire class. The problem is that you have:

   standardClass & operator=(standardClass &objToCopy)  // assignment operator
        cout << "Copy assignment operator: " << objID << endl;
        objID = objToCopy.objID; 
        return *this; 

4 cannot be converted to a standardClass &.

If you use:

   standardClass & operator=(standardClass const& objToCopy)
                                        // ^^^^^^
        cout << "Copy assignment operator: " << objID << endl;
        objID = objToCopy.objID; 
        return *this; 

all will be ok.

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