Please, as it could indicate the 'type' attribute on elements 'horaIniJornada' and 'tiempoJornadamedia'?

    @XmlElement(name = "tiempoJornadaMedia")
    public String getTimeJournalMedia() {
        return timeJournalMedia;

    @XmlAttribute(name = "tipo")
    public String getTypeHourInitJournal() {
        return typeHourInitJournal;

            <horaIniJornada tipo="T">23:00:00</horaIniJornada>
            <tiempoJornadaMedia tipo="T">07:30:00</tiempoJornadaMedia>
             <horaIniJornada tipo="T">23:00:00</horaIniJornada>
             <tiempoJornadaMedia tipo="T">07:30:00</tiempoJornadaMedia>

1 Answer 1


You'll need a separate class for that. Something like TimeHournalMedia with an @XmlAttribute and @XmlValue property. Something like:

public String getValue() {
    return value;

@XmlAttribute(name = "tipo")
public String getTypeHourInitJournal() {
    return typeHourInitJournal;

Then you'll have in your main class:

@XmlElement(name = "tiempoJornadaMedia")
public TimeHournalMedia getTimeJournalMedia() {
    return timeJournalMedia;

To get the textual content you'll do getTimeJournalMedia().getValue(), to get the attribute - getTimeJournalMedia().getgetTypeHourInitJournal(), something like that.

There are further options with MOXy @XmlPath.


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