I have the following working query, using CURL:

  curl -X GET 'http://myhost/myindex/_search?q=text:%7B1933%20TO%201949%7D'

which identifies all documents inside the index myindex which in the text field (string type) contains mentions of dates between 1933 and 1949. I would like to use this query programatically from Python, and in this sense I have the Python ElasticSearch client installed, Pyes:

  from elasticsearch import ElasticSearch
  from pyes import *

and then I would like to call

  es = ElasticSearch('myhost')
  totalDocs = es.search('myindex', body={'query':{'query_string':{'query': 'text:%7B1933%20TO%201949%7D'}},"size":0})['hits']['total']

but this syntax is not working. Also it is important that I look into the text field only for these date mentions. Are there any ways to use the initial query in Python? Many thanks!

Later edit: I have also tried it like this:

  totalDocs = es.search('myindex', 'text:%7B1933%20TO%201949%7D')['hits']['total']

It works, but it returns no documents at all.

Actually my question resumes to this question: [ElasticSearch - specify range for a string field

  • What result do you get? Is there an error message?
    – rlms
    Dec 30, 2014 at 14:40
  • It doesn't crash but it doesn't return anything. I know for sure that there should be more than 100,000 documents that fulfill this condition in my index.
    – Crista23
    Dec 30, 2014 at 15:02
  • Would you please add your document's format? Jun 25, 2020 at 22:22


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