How can I prevent sql injection when programming against OrientDb using the OrientDB-NET.binary? Is there a way to escape special characters for Orient-SQL and work with string literals?

Example: I want to store this literal: me' or 1 = 1 ),'// and then be able to query it like

select from MyVertex where text = '...'

I'm having trouble doing this in OrientDb studio too.

I have found this post which is related to the Java driver, so I was wondering if there is something similar for .NET.

1 Answer 1


You need to use parameterized queries.

These are queries that separate data from syntax, which is the root problem behind SQL injection.

In C#, using the OrientDB-NET binary, you want to do something like this (adapted from the OrientDB-NET wiki:

using (ODatabase database = new ODatabase("yourDatabase"))
    PreparedQuery query = new PreparedQuery("SELECT FROM MyVertex WHERE text = ?");
    var selectedValue = database
        .Run([***Your Input Here***])

    var text = selectedValue.GetField<string>("text");

You can check out the OrientDB-NET unit tests for PreparedQuery to see more examples of how you might do this.

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