I have some HTML scraped from a site

 <div id="content1">
 <div id="content3">
 <div id="content22">

How can I iterate over all the DIVs having ID starting with content?

1 Answer 1


The easiest approach would be to use a CSS selector:


The ^= syntax specifies that the id attribute value should start with content.

You can get the same result using a regular expression filter passed in as the id argument to element.find_all():

import re

soup.find_all('div', id=re.compile('^content'))


>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> sample = '''\
... <div>
...  <div id="content1">
...  </div>
...  <div id="content3">
...  </div>
...  <div id="content22">
...  </div>
... </div>
... '''
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(sample)
>>> soup.select('div[id^=content]')
[<div id="content1">
</div>, <div id="content3">
</div>, <div id="content22">
>>> soup.find_all('div', id=re.compile('^content'))
[<div id="content1">
</div>, <div id="content3">
</div>, <div id="content22">

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