I am having trouble executing a command that has variables, so I am trying to recreate it here with this simple example.

I want to list the contents of the path DIR but because there is a space in the path it will not work. The problem is the space in the path /home/User Name/tarfolder. This works fine if there is no space in the path.

how can I get this to work for paths that have a space in the path?

Also on an aside is it not good practice to have spaces in paths with linux/unix. I am working on cygwin on a windows 7 machine, but i am writing my script for a linux server that I use.



## trying to work on directories here that have spaces in there path 

# get the current directory the script is in
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"  
echo "DIR is equal to:"
echo $DIR

## want to be able to list the contents of the path $DIR that has a space in it
eval 'ls' $DIR   


User Name@WNZCL0276 ~/tarfolder
$ ./dir_path_with_space.sh
DIR is equal to:
/home/User Name/tarfolder
ls: cannot access Name/tarfolder: No such file or directory

I understand i can use escape characters like here, but I don't I can use that in my script above.

User Name@WNZCL0276 ~/tarfolder
$ ls /home/User\ Name/tarfolder/
backup.sh  dir_path_with_space.sh  folderToZip  ReadMe.txt
  • If you really needed to use eval, you could run eval 'ls "$DIR"', but... why? Jan 27, 2015 at 23:39
  • ...the outer quotes on right-hand side of the assignment don't hurt anything, by the way, but they also aren't necessary: Assignments implicitly prevent string-splitting and glob expansion. Jan 27, 2015 at 23:41
  • Similarly, echo "$DIR" is more correct than echo $DIR; if your directory is named /path/to/ *** my special directory name *** /, the latter will behave catastrophically (replacing the *s with lists of files in the directory where the current command is being run). Jan 27, 2015 at 23:44

1 Answer 1


Don't use eval. Do use quotes.

dir=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
ls "$dir"

By convention, dir should be lower-case since it's neither an environment variable nor a shell builtin; following this convention avoids namespace collisions.

For a larger discussion of what you're trying to do here (in terms of finding your script's location), see BashFAQ #28. For a larger discussion of building commands using variables (with contents that can contain spaces and otherwise arbitrary content), see BashFAQ #50. For discussion of why eval shouldn't be used except when absolutely necessary, see BashFAQ #48.

  • tks for all that, I might be lacking in good practice when it comes to bash scripting. Also might have been a simple example for what I want to do. what I want to do is something like command="tar -cvf $arg1 $arg2" and the execute the command eval $command
    – HattrickNZ
    Jan 27, 2015 at 23:51
  • 1
    @HattrickNZ, read BashFAQ #50, which describes the correct way to do that (not involving eval). Jan 28, 2015 at 0:01
  • @HattrickNZ, in case you really want to keep a command in a shell variable and have trouble because parts of the command contain spaces, you should consider holding your command in a bash-array; eval can handle (i. e. execute) that as well and you can easily have spaces in parts of the command.
    – Alfe
    Jan 28, 2015 at 0:03
  • @Alfe, a command with its exact argv stored in an array can simply be run as "${array_name[@]}"; using eval throws away many of the benefits from using an array in the first place. Jan 28, 2015 at 0:05
  • I'm sorry if I was unclear about my intentions to use eval only if the things it provides are needed—like an additional evaluation-step of variables. I just meant that an array would not even rule out the eval in case it was necessary.
    – Alfe
    Jan 28, 2015 at 0:08

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