I am trying to create a simple Chrome extension that takes a javescript from an external provider and simply appends it to the webpage I am viewing. This is for any webpage and not to be selective. When I attempt this nothing loads:


        "name": "My Extension",
        "version": "0.1.1",
        "description": "Testing Tests!",
        "manifest_version": 2,
        "content_scripts": [
                "matches": ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
                "js": ["contentscript.js"]




alert("content script");

var _elev = window._elev || {};(function() {var i,e;i=document.createElement("script"),i.type='text/javascript';i.async=1,i.src="https://static.elev.io/js/v3.js",e=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],e.parentNode.insertBefore(i,e);})();
_elev.account_id = '1234566';

I am new to extensions so help or guidance on how to insert this script to all pages I visit.



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