
I try to figure out if I am allowed to use the koush/ion lib in a commercial project and if using is for free (I am only using the "imageload to list view"-part)? Does any one know about this issue? In order to avoid missunderstandings.....I don't want to use the work from others without mentioning these of cause. I hope for help.

Thank you in advance.

  • It's released under Apache 2.0 so as long as you attribute, what;'s the problem?
    – Simon
    Feb 8, 2015 at 15:07
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about licensing or legal issues, not programming or software development. See here for details, and the help center for more. Jun 9, 2015 at 5:18

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can use it on a commercial project since it's granted the APACHE 2.0 license (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0), as stated here: https://github.com/koush/ion/blob/master/LICENSE

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