What I want: two small "back to the top" buttons, each in their own div. This div pair is within an outer div.

One button-div should be left-aligned in that outer div, the other button-div should be right-aligned. The idea is to have them "straddle" my page-container div.

All is well - until I give the outer-div a "position:fixed" and "top:70%", to move them down in the viewport.

So far, I have found no way to right-align the right button-div; margin-right has no effect, even if I remove the left button (in case its alignment impacts the element(s) that follow).

The basic approach is:

<div class="tabs1">
    <a href="#top-of-page">           
        <div class="right1">
            <font color="#FF0000">◄</font> Top
    <a href="#top-of-page">
        <div class="left1">
            <font color="#FF0000">◄</font> Top

I have provided the above in fiddle here, both with & without vertical positioning.

The "results" window of the fiddle shows two pairs of "top" buttons. The pair at the top behaves like I want them to, until I try to move them down from the top of the viewport.

The second pair shows what all my attempts end up with: both buttons on the left of the page body/container div. In the fiddle, I have separated them vertically, otherwise they'd be on top of each other.

What's the "trick"?

1 Answer 1


You can use the right attribute; for example right: 10px;. And if you want it symmetric, you can use left for the left one.


OK, I misunderstood the question a bit. I'll try again: If you want the distance between the two buttons constant you can add a left: 50%; and then correct the positioning by adding a left margin half as big as the width. So that would look like this:

.tabs2 {
    margin-left: -125px;


And if you only want this behavior starting at a certain screen-width you could add a media-query like so:

.tabs2 {
    max-width: 250px;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -50%;
@media (min-width: 250px) {
    .tabs2 {
        margin-left: -125px;

Although I'm not sure this is the most ideal or clean way of doing it.

  • Indeed, but only for a single viewport width: the button on the left will always be at a fixed distance from the page-container, unless the viewport width is reduced such that the page-container width becomes smaller than its specified max-width.
    – Fred
    Feb 16, 2015 at 6:43
  • The button on the RIGHT moves away from the right edge of the page-container - further inside the page-container if the viewport shrinks, and away from the page-container edge if the viewport becomes larger than the page-container max-width. You can see this if you change the viewport width in the fiddle.
    – Fred
    Feb 16, 2015 at 6:54
  • @Fred OK, I changed my answer, hope I got it right now :)
    – kalyan
    Feb 16, 2015 at 8:43
  • Thanks kalyan! Can your solution be generalized from .tabs2 that has a fixed "width:250px", to handle "width:100%; max-width:250px"?
    – Fred
    Feb 17, 2015 at 21:20

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