My application builds dynamic insert statements based on the incoming data.

For e.g., it dynamically builds an insert query like:

insert into employees (name, age) values ('Tim', 12)

(I use sqlbuilder to generate queries like the above dynamically. I do not have any control over which columns/tables will make up the insert statement - it depends on the incoming data. For e.g., the next statement could be like: insert into employees (building, salary) values ('Green tower', 9999))

I do not want to use the above statement as such since it is open for sql injection.

I need it to be converted into a PreparedStatement as follows:

PreparedStatement preparedStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(insertSQL);
preparedStatement.setString(1, "Tim");
preparedStatement.setInt(2, 99);

Is there any library that does it for me?

  • I get the feeling you might benefit from using JPA.
    – VGR
    Mar 7, 2015 at 0:25

1 Answer 1


Your tool does not rely on PreparedStatements, so there is no way of fixing that. What options you have:

  • either pick a different tool to build your queries

  • or make sure that your mechanism is protected from SQL Injection (take a look at ESAPI)

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