This question is related to this one: store commented value from data file in gnuplot

I formatted now every single data file that it looks like:

    1.0  0.01

    0.2  0.0163  0.0000125
    0.4  0.0275  0.0001256

Then I tried to read the first line and store it into variables in this way:

set term push
set term unknown    
plot dataFile every ::0::0 using (a=$0):(b=$1)
set term pop

But this is not working as it should, why? The rest of the file I plot as follows:

plot dataFile every ::1 using 1:2:3 with errorbars lt 1 linecolor "red",f(a,b)

1 Answer 1


Column counting starts at 1, the zeroth column is the row number. And you must also restrict to the first block (note the three colons). Try

plot dataFile every :::0::0 using (a=$1):(b=$2)

Alternatively you can use stats in a similar way:

stats dataFile every :::0::0 using 1:2
a = STATS_min_x
b = STATS_min_y
  • Thank you! it works now. but it gives me some warnings like empty x range [0:0], adjusting to [-1:1] or empty y range [2:2], adjusting to [1.98:2.02]. it does not seem like the influence the plot, but where do they come from? or what has to be fixed?
    – nerdizzle
    Mar 12, 2015 at 0:07
  • You can ignore that, it is a normal warning when plotting a single point.
    – Christoph
    Mar 12, 2015 at 5:36

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