I'm trying to create a very simple regex statement to tell me if a String contains a match.

The Regex statement:


The String I'm scanning:


I've used an the online the tools to validate my work and using the supplied Regex and the given String that it is a match. however when I run it in my Java program it does not return as a match.

In my Java Code I'm using the following to match the string.


Can anyone explain the reason why it is not working?

  • 1
    you should adjust your regexp too, because it uses a hungry approach, therefore try %[^%]+% instead of %.+% Mar 12, 2015 at 15:34

3 Answers 3


matches() expects the ENTIRE string to be matched.

What you want, is a Pattern and Matcher.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("%.+%");
Matcher m = p.matcher("Property:%substitute.candidate%_substitute.candidate%End");
if (m.find()) { // found it }
  • Thank you very much, this was spot on.
    – Newmanater
    Mar 13, 2015 at 8:11

The problem is that when you use matches(), the engine will add the ^ and $ anchors so that your string must match exactly.

In your case, the matches is expecting that the string starts and ends with %, which is not the case.

To go around this, use find().

EDIT: As per @Pshemo's comment, you would need to do this:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("%.+%");
String str = "...";
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);
if(matcher.find()) {
  • String doesn't have find method which may be confusing for OP.
    – Pshemo
    Mar 12, 2015 at 15:22
  • @Pshemo: I see what you mean, I though he was already using the Pattern class. Amended my answer as per your recommendation.
    – npinti
    Mar 12, 2015 at 15:25

String#matches() takes a regex as parameter and ^ and $ are the implicit anchors. So, the matches method matches the entire string. You can choose to either try matching the whole string like this : mystring.matches(".your_regex."); or try using a pattern/matcher in combination with find/replace as mentioned in previous answer

  • Correct. Now instead of posting it as comment (which not everyone reads) edit your post and place this explanation there.
    – Pshemo
    Mar 12, 2015 at 15:45

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