I've been doing some searching on this. The only close example was an old issue on GitHub for Addressable which it turns out was/is unrelated.

Looking a the output below I had the deprecated message:

 jruby -S gem install middleman-blog
 Fetching: addressable-2.3.7.gem (100%)
 deprecated. use instead jars/installer
 Successfully installed addressable-2.3.7
 Fetching: middleman-blog-3.5.3.gem (100%)
 Successfully installed middleman-blog-3.5.3
 2 gems installed

The question that come to mine include:

  • What is deprecated?
  • Which gem does the message relate to?
  • Where can/would one look to figure out the action to take?

Finally, what is the significance or affect of the message on the gem-base and what does the phrase: "use instead jars/installer" mean!? I found no similar examples in this scan:

Ideas welcome. If nothing else I imagine the conversation will be educational about (some) that aspect of JRuby. Oh details: JRuby 9.0, Java 8 u25 (u40 isn't working with JRuby), Windows 7. Many thanks ...

1 Answer 1


next time please answer your questions esp. if you received response

... caused by jar-dependencies gem but it's fixed since version 0.1.8

  • The meaning was not explained. Just that it is a mistake.
    – will
    Mar 26, 2015 at 10:43

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