I have this JSON

products: [{
    id: "1",
    model: "123",
    price: "123",
    spec: "213",
    image: "",
    brand: "213",
    category: "1",
    sub_category: "1",
    color: "1",
    size: "1",
    order: "1",
    attributes: [{
        id: "1",
        attribute_id: "1",
        product_id: "1"
    }, {
        id: "2",
        attribute_id: "2",
        product_id: "1"
}, {
    id: "2",
    model: "456",
    price: "123",
    spec: "213",
    image: "",
    brand: "213",
    category: "1",
    sub_category: "1",
    color: "1",
    size: "1",
    order: "1",
    attributes: []

I am trying to filter the products using ng-repeat

so my ng-repeat is :

<div ng-repeat="product in tv_selections.products | filter: {attributes[0].attribute_id:attribute} | filter:{size:size} | filter:{attribute2:attribute2}" >

I get the selected size and attributes from the controller and its correct

I know my attribute is wrong, but I dont know how I am going to do it, for the other filters its working, on the attributes is not

  • 1
    creating a jsfiddle demonstrating your issue would be helpful :)
    – iJade
    Mar 24, 2015 at 11:12

1 Answer 1


You can check out the documentation on filters in angular that is on


where this code is given ,

    Search: <input ng-model="searchText">
    <table id="searchTextResults">
      <tr ng-repeat="friend in friends | filter:searchText">

Angular does on its own, using searchText as reference it will put filter on each property inside the friend object.

Executable code check on this link : http://plnkr.co/edit/MEAHFagGSANOENsaldCC?p=preview

Likewise will be done for your code to search products, check this out , a plunker is created for your answer :


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