I have a long-running Runnable. It performs a large number of iterations inside a while-loop in its run() function. I need functionality to pause and resume the runnable, which I implemented using a volatile Boolean pauseFlag that can be set by another thread.

Once the Runnable has detected that pauseFlag is true, it calls pauseFlag.wait() to pause its execution. Resuming is done through setting pauseFlag to false and then calling pauseFlag.notifyAll().

So the pauseFlag both acts as a flag and a mutex. This combined functionality does not work, however. The Runnable keeps blocking on pauseFlag.wait() indefinitely.

If I create a separate mutex, say, Object mutex = new Object(); and use mutex.notifyAll() / mutex.wait(), while still using pauseFlag as a boolean flag, the Runnable does behave as intended.

The non-working code is shown below:

public class PausableRunnable implements Runnable
    private boolean done;

    private volatile Boolean pauseFlag = false;

    /** Pause execution. This is an asynchronous (non-blocking) call. */
    public void pause() // <-- called by another thread
        pauseFlag = true;

    /** Resume execution */
    public void resume() // <-- called by another thread
        pauseFlag = false;
        synchronized (pauseFlag)

    public void run()
            while (!done && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
                while (pauseFlag)
                    synchronized (pauseFlag)
                        // Pause flag was set. Suspend until we are notified that we can continue
                // execute our main behaviour. set done = true when done iterating.
                // ....
        } catch (InterruptedException e)

So, while I have found a solution by using a separate object, I'd like to understand the issue. Why doesn't the above implementation work?

1 Answer 1


I made this very same mistake once.

wait/notify works on an object, not a reference

When you change the object referred to by

private volatile Boolean pauseFlag

the wait is still referring to the original object. (As pointed out in the comments, there will usually be only two Boolean objects, TRUE and FALSE, making this even harder to debug, because you might get the correct one by chance)

So it's best to use a final reference that never changes its underlying object when using wait/notify.

  • And because I never reassign the Object mutex = new Object(); in the version that does work, this issue does not come up there. That makes sense, thanks!
    – tjalling
    Mar 25, 2015 at 11:58
  • 2
    +1. Oddly enough, the autoboxing behavior from boolean to Boolean uses Boolean.valueOf(), which will always return a reference to either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE, so you end up synchronizing and waiting on either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE, depending on which the value is. (Unless you use new Boolean() somewhere, of course.)
    – Dan Getz
    Mar 25, 2015 at 12:02
  • @Dan Getz Interesting, and good to know. That could result in some difficult to debug behaviour.
    – tjalling
    Mar 25, 2015 at 12:08

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