I am making my own PHP-MVC framework. i have a question regarding Controller and View Association. I love the way Zend framework uses view within Controller as follow:

$this->view->data = 'Data here';

so it can be used in view as follow:

echo $this->data;

I am wondering how can i implement this association. I want to remove codes between /** **/ and want to replace with some magic functions. My codes for controller as as follow:

 class UserController extends Controller{
  public function __construct(){
   $this->view = new View();
   $this->view->setLayout( 'home' );
  function __destruct(){
  public function index(){
  public function login(){   
  public function register(){
  public function forgotPassword(){
  • 1
    You want to remove the constructor and destructor?
    – BoltClock
    May 28, 2010 at 15:52
  • Zend seriously only allows one View per controller action? May 28, 2010 at 17:05

2 Answers 2


You don't really need magic functions to implement this. You can just do:

$this->view->var1 = 'val1';

Create a method in your controller called set or assign that takes a name and value and store in an array. Before you call view, loop through that array and assign to your view object:

foreach ($this->viewVars as $viewVar) {
    $this->view->$viewVar['name'] = $viewVar['val'];

Use the magic method __set() and __get().

protected $_data = array();

public function __set($name, $value)
   $this->_data[$name] = $value;

public function __get($name)
   return $this->_data[$name];

Then implement error handling when retrieving values which are not set, etc...

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