I have an Sqlite database in which I want to select rows of which the value in a TIMESTAMP column is before a certain date. I would think this to be simple but I can't get it done. I have tried this:

SELECT * FROM logged_event WHERE logged_event.CREATED_AT < '2010-05-28 16:20:55'

and various variations on it, like with the date functions. I've read http://sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html and http://www.sqlite.org/datatypes.html and I would expect that the column would be a numeric type, and that the comparison would be done on the unix timestamp value. Apparantly not. Anyone who can help? If it matters, I'm trying this out in Sqlite Expert Personal.


Here's type table description:

CREATE TABLE [logged_event]
[created_at] TIMESTAMP,
[name] VARCHAR(64),
[data] VARCHAR(512)

And the test data:

INSERT INTO table VALUES(1,'2010-05-28T15:36:56+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(2,'2010-05-28T16:20:49+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(3,'2010-05-28T16:20:51+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(4,'2010-05-28T16:20:52+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(5,'2010-05-28T16:20:53+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(6,'2010-05-28T16:20:55+0200','test','test');
INSERT INTO table VALUES(7,'2010-05-28T16:20:57+0200','test','test');
  • What version of SQLite are you running? The 3.x.x documentation does not define what a column called TIMESTAMP is casted to in type affinity. sqlite.org/datatype3.html
    – J. Polfer
    May 28, 2010 at 16:33
  • 1
    Sqlite 3. Because everything that is not in a limited set of text types (TEXT, BLOB, a few others) is numeric, according to the documentation, I assumed that TIMESTAMP would be a numeric type. Of note is that I'm creating this table through the Propel ORM mapper, and it's an auto-generated table, so I can't easily switch to another type. I guess if I could get this column to behave as a DATETIME I'd be half way there.
    – Roel
    May 28, 2010 at 16:39

3 Answers 3


The issue is with the way you've inserted data into your table: the +0200 syntax doesn't match any of SQLite's time formats:

  8. HH:MM
  9. HH:MM:SS
  10. HH:MM:SS.SSS
  11. now

Changing it to use the SS.SSS format works correctly:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE Foo (created_at TIMESTAMP);
sqlite> INSERT INTO Foo VALUES('2010-05-28T15:36:56+0200');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE foo.created_at < '2010-05-28 16:20:55';
sqlite> SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE DATETIME(foo.created_at) < '2010-05-28 16:20:55';
sqlite> INSERT INTO Foo VALUES('2010-05-28T15:36:56.200');
sqlite> SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE DATETIME(foo.created_at) < '2010-05-28 16:20:55';

If you absolutely can't change the format when it is inserted, you might have to fall back to doing something "clever" and modifying the actual string (i.e. to replace the + with a ., etc.).

(original answer)

You haven't described what kind of data is contained in your CREATED_AT column. If it indeed a datetime, it will compare correctly against a string:

sqlite> SELECT DATETIME('now');
2010-05-28 16:33:10
sqlite> SELECT DATETIME('now') < '2011-01-01 00:00:00';

If it is stored as a unix timestamp, you need to call DATETIME function with the second argument as 'unixepoch' to compare against a string:

sqlite> SELECT DATETIME(0, 'unixepoch');
1970-01-01 00:00:00
sqlite> SELECT DATETIME(0, 'unixepoch') < '2010-01-01 00:00:00';
sqlite> SELECT DATETIME(0, 'unixepoch') == DATETIME('1970-01-01 00:00:00');

If neither of those solve your problem (and even if they do!) you should always post some data so that other people can reproduce your problem. You should even feel free to come up with a subset of your original data that still reproduces the problem.

  • Yes I saw these examples in the manual too. What I want to do is SELECT * from table WHERE column < '2010-05-23 14:32:29'; and I presume I need to add a function in there somewhere in some form but I have no idea how.
    – Roel
    May 28, 2010 at 16:51
  • 1
    Thank you, indeed the timezone specifier did it. This was exacerbated by Sqlite Expert not showing that part - it only showed up when I did a command line SELECT for posting the test data here. Have hacked a solution into my program to leave out the timezone part.
    – Roel
    Jun 2, 2010 at 8:27

SQLite's support for date/time types is very limited. You may have to roll-your-own method for maintaining time information. At least, that's what I did.

You can define your own stored-functions for doing comparisons using the SQLite create_function() API.

  • Note that the problem I had involved adding time periods, though, not comparing. I think Mark's answer is probably better in this situation.
    – J. Polfer
    May 28, 2010 at 18:10

As best I can tell, it's entirely reasonable to include a timezone specifier; see the text "formats 2 through 10 can . . ." at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html However, the issue is that only the date functions interpret timestamps as dates. So for actual comparison, you need to either pass the timestamp through a date function or store things such that string comparison works. One approach would be to code your application such that you called datetime on every value that you insert and on every literal value in a select statement. However, simply not including the time zone as suggested by the existing answer may be easier in many applications.

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